~BLUESIDE Signature Villain Badge Hunting in RV - TODAY, Saturday, September 12 6pm EST~




Mission: Defeat Signature Villains to earn Badges
Contact: n/a
Location: Recluse's Victory

Date & Time: Saturday, September 12 @ 6:00PM Eastern / 5:00PM Central / 4:00PM Mountain / 3:00PM Pacific.

Level Range: 40-50

Combatants: Arachnos

Arch-Villains: Black Scorpion, Captain Mako, Ghost Widow, Lord Recluse, Scirocco

Current Team Roster:

1: a Marvel zombie: Shield/Mace Tank (team leader)
2: Dr. Hollywood: Emp/Psi Defender

Stats & Info:

-We will meet & form up in the center of the hospital bay in Recluse's Victory.

-We will take control of what Heavies we can, then proceed to take control of pillboxes (villain-controlled pillboxes 1st, depending on location) until signature villains spawn (after the fall of each 4th & 5th pillbox). We take down sig villains to earn badges & then repeat the process until we've earned them all.

-We will not engage villain players unless provoked.

-SKs are welcome but higher levels are preferred. Don't worry whether or not your toon is built for PvP; hopefully our numbers will make it a non-issue.

1: Arachnophobic
You have helped defeat Lord Recluse in Recluse's Victory.
2: Poltergeist
You have helped defeat Ghost Widow in Recluse's Victory.
3: Sandblasted
You have helped defeat Scirocco in Recluse's Victory.
4: Shark Hunter
You have helped defeat Captain Mako in Recluse's Victory.
5: Wrangler
You have helped defeat Black Scorpion in Recluse's Victory.
6: Justiciar
You have helped defeat all the Signature Villains in Recluse's Victory, making you a Justiciar.

-Progress towards MORE Badges:
A: Time Machinist
You have taken over 10 pillboxes in Recluse's Victory, making you a Time Machinist.
B: Somewhere in Time
50 pillboxes have fallen into your hands.
C: Back from the Future
100 pillboxes have been captured by you, you are truly a Time Bandit.
D: Temporal Agent
You have controlled 10 Heavies in Recluse's Victory.
E: Temporal Spy
You have controlled 50 Heavies in Recluse's Victory.
F: Temporal Soldier
You have controlled 250 Heavies in Recluse's Victory.
G: Time Traveler
It seems you have mastered the recursive time flux of Lord Recluse's victory. You've spent 5 hours here, though it seems like much longer.
H: Forward Observer
You've achieved a PvP Reputation of 100.
I: Disruptor
You've achieved a PvP Reputation of 400.
J: Obtaining the Mech
*not a badge - see the Paragon wiki for details
K: Villain Disruptor - ? -
Defeat 25 villains from either the main bank heist or the Jailbreak side mission during Safeguard Missions or during Ouroboros Task Forces.

Paragon wiki:

Reply here or send a global to @Ozymandas with your toon name, AT & level. I haven't seen any groups of this type around which is surprising, considering the number of badges to be had. Here's hoping it's a success!



Sign me up; I'll be bringing Dr. Hollywood (Emp/Psi Defender). Note that I'll be next to useless in PvP; my toons aren't built for it. Hopefully the villains leave us alone.... >.>



You're in, Paragon. Hopefully we can get some more within the next 1:45 since it may be tricky recruiting within the zone.



It didn't go too bad for a while. That stalker made me laugh.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



I stuck around for a few afterwards, got a couple of PvP kills, and then the zone pretty much died. The heroes got the villains pushed back to the villain base and they stayed there.



Originally Posted by drogoh View Post
I stuck around for a few afterwards, got a couple of PvP kills, and then the zone pretty much died. The heroes got the villains pushed back to the villain base and they stayed there.
Was good while it lasted; thanks guys

"PBs suck"

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



Well, we did good until our presence became known. I'll try this again in a few days - maybe next weekend or maybe even tomorrow - so we can pick up the rest of the badges.

Ideally we'd have 2 full teams. Once the villain players were onto us the 1st 4 of each team (or less) would be used to keep the riff raff occupied while the rest of us concentrate on pillboxes/AVs. I /think/ we'd all get the badges.

If we're thinking of the same stalker, Oya, he was ticking me off. He jumped us when we were weak from dealing with pillboxes &/or AVs, cried like a baby when we retaliated in force & used heavies (all of which was in clear view when he stated it) then rounded up all of his stalky friends to drive us out of the zone. He kept criticizing our PvP skills even as we were telling him that we were only there for AVs. Grrr...

Notes for next time:
1) always scan the 3 Heavy spawning areas between pillboxes & on the way back from the hospital. (which I think we did pretty well)
2) someone needs to jump in the pillboxes that we control to use against AVs. (we were kind of lax in this department)
3) call out the name of any attacking player villains so we can take them down fast. (I need improvement in this department)

Black Scorpion, Scirocco & Lord Recluse better look out - we'll be back for them next time!



Originally Posted by Ozymandas View Post
If we're thinking of the same stalker, Oya, he was ticking me off. He jumped us when we were weak from dealing with pillboxes &/or AVs, cried like a baby when we retaliated in force & used heavies (all of which was in clear view when he stated it) then rounded up all of his stalky friends to drive us out of the zone. He kept criticizing our PvP skills even as we were telling him that we were only there for AVs. Grrr...
That's what was so funny. All he has was AS and Hibernoob. Then he cried about 1v1 when we spanked him. I don't mind having to deal with villains, they just need to know that if they attack one in a group then the group attacks back. The downside is me Warshade stinks in PVP. The upside is that I got three badges out of it.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



What got me laughing was when I holed up in the pillbox nearest the villain base entrance and whooped him with the pillbox and my heavy. I think that set him off the most. I really need to see if I can get some PvP juice out of that old powerset combo. RIP Issue 12 PvP! PvP is dead, long live PvP!



So I was messing around in RV with a heavy during the dead time and was taking over pillboxes. I spawned Lord Recluse and Black Scorpion when as a group all we could get was Ghost Widow, Cap'n Mako and maybe Scirocco. Too bad the zone only had one other person (a Corruptor who was also pillboxing) or there would have been two other badges for the taking.



Originally Posted by drogoh View Post
So I was messing around in RV with a heavy during the dead time and was taking over pillboxes. I spawned Lord Recluse and Black Scorpion when as a group all we could get was Ghost Widow, Cap'n Mako and maybe Scirocco. Too bad the zone only had one other person (a Corruptor who was also pillboxing) or there would have been two other badges for the taking.
What is it with your game luck? AV's, purples.. What's next?

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



I've spawned Recluse & Black Scorpion a few times while dropping pillboxes solo previous to our excusion. I managed to take down Scorpion down but I still need Recluse & Scirocco. Maybe we can give this another shot on the 26th (will be out of town this weekend).