When Role Players go bad....




Okay, so I was teaming with some members of SG who are typically role players, and some where all pretense at role play went out the window.

How many references can you name?

Here's what happens when Role Players go bad... er:

1)Blood Speaker: Riders... why's it always have to be... riders...
2)Mezz Dispenser: There's a Rider in the sewers, Jaques!
3)Leading Lady: Riders... I hate these guys.
4)Leading Lady: You could get killed chasing after your damn Riders!
Ngwenyama: I feel so young... I don't know these references
Ngwenyama: except the obvious one
5)Blood Speaker: "I'm teaming with a bunch of goofballs"
6)Roboute Tauren: This is my BOOOOM STICK!
Leading Lady: Oh, Lord, no **************** quotes, please.
Roboute Tauren: so "Gimme some sugar baby" would be unwanted? :P
Leading Lady: It's up there with "here to kick *** and chew bubblegum"
Roboute Tauren: or maybe "Good. Bad. I'm the one with the gun"
Leading Lady: "and you got REAAAAAL ugly"
7)Soulsteel: "Riders... where we're going, we don't need Riders"
8)Roboute Tauren: "It's your riders, Something got to be done about your riders!"
9)Mezz Dispenser: Why, Doc? What, do we become Riders or something?
10)Ngwenyama: I want these M'f'in Riders out of these M'f'in sewers!
11)Blood Speaker: One thing I hate about Santa Carla... all the damn Riders...
12)Leading Lady: Rikti? THESE... ARE... RIIIIIIDERS!
13)Mezz Dispenser: Riders? We don't need no steenking Riders!
14)Roboute Tauren: "Bees man. Bees make hives. Not Rikti"
15)Roboute Tauren: OH! I should have "Get away from her you *****" in the last mission against the Clockwork king
16)Leading Lady: Say Riders again, muthafucka! SAY RIDERS! AGAIN!
17)Roboute Tauren: "you're on ugly mutha-rider"
18)Roboute Tauren: "You're gonna need a bigger rikti"
19)Mezz Dispenser: Rider my ***! Get this guy some Pepto-Bismol!
20)Ngwenyama: hokey religions are no match for a good Rider at your side
21)Soulsteel: we'll be shooting down the riders as they come... we'll be shooting down the riders as they come
22)Leading Lady: Ray, when a Rider asks if you are a God, you say YES!
23)Roboute Tauren: "That was before the dark days, before the riders"
24)Roboute Tauren: "God, I love being a rider"
25)Mezz Dispenser: Excuse me, I believe you have my Rider...
26)Soulsteel: yes it's true your Honor, this rider has no dick
27)Leading Lady: An old Rider dies, a young girl lives.Fair trade.
28)Roboute Tauren: "It's not impossible, I used to bullseye Riders in my T-16 back home"
29)Roboute Tauren: "You dont know the power of the riders"
30)Mezz Dispenser: At that close range, we won't last long against those Riders. We'll last longer than we will against that Honoree, and we might just take a few of them with us!
31)Leading Lady: That's no moon... that's a Rider.
31)Mezz Dispenser: It's too big to be a Rider!
32)Leading Lady: Worst...Rider...ever...
33)Roboute Tauren: "Yeah, that's cause when a rider looses they don't pull people's arms out of their sockets. Wookies are known to do that:"
34)Ngwenyama: I sugegest we let the Rider win?
35)Roboute Tauren: "at the end of this day, one rider shall stand, one rider shall fall"
Blood Speaker: Let me also say that this team is absolute Ruin on Legs
Leading Lady: Yeah, we're plowing through this like they aren't even there.
Roboute Tauren: from the damage or the quotes?
Blood Speaker: Both
Ngwenyama: how many teams could do both without pausing?
36)Roboute Tauren: "That's not a Rider... THIS is a rider"
37)Mezz Dispenser: Let's show this prehistoric Rider how we do things downtown!
38)Roboute Tauren: Hey, this rider is okay. He's a sailor in town, We get him laid, and we won't have any problem"
39)Leading Lady: Listen - that Rider is out there.  It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasonaed with. And it will not stop until you are dead!
40)Roboute Tauren: Because if a rider, a machine can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too
41)Mezz Dispenser: The Rider: The Other White Meat?
42)Mezz Dispenser: Sweet dreams and flying machines, in pieces on the ground...
43)Mezz Dispenser: Oh, I've seen Riders and I've seen Rain...
44)Leading Lady: It's the Eye of the Rider, it's the thrill of the fight...
45)Roboute Tauren: Riders, roasting over and open fire....
46)Ngwenyama: Hor'dohtz nipping at your nose
47)Roboute Tauren: 99 riders on the wall, 99 riders on the wall....
Roboute Tauren: Ya take one down, beat it around... 98 riders on the wall
48)Mezz Dispenser: My heart's on fire, War Rider! (Mmm poppa mmm poppa mmm poppa mou mou)
49)Roboute Tauren: Riders, Transform and roll out
50)Soulsteel: it's 110 miles to Paragon City... we got a tray full of inspirations, half a dozen riders, it's dark... and we're wearing tights. Hit it.
51)Roboute Tauren: "All we know is that there's still no contact with paragon city, and that a Rider may be involved"
52)Roboute Tauren: "Push my awsome button"
53)Soulsteel: I beat the **** out of the Honoree and the Four Horsemen, and all I got was this lousy tshirt
54)Mezz Dispenser: Luke, I am your Rider! *DING* =P
55)Soulsteel: big badda Rider
Soulsteel: Leeloo Rider Multipass
56)Soulsteel: there is no Rider, only Zuul
57)Mezz Dispenser: I collect spores, mold and Riders.
58)Roboute Tauren: "So we're actually gonna go before a federal court judge, and tell him that a moldy babylonion rider is about to start tearing up the city?!"
Roboute Tauren: "sumerian, not Babylonian"
59)Soulsteel: "who are you guys?" "we're the Riderbusters"
Soulsteel: "who does your taxes?"
60) Mezz Dispenser: Tell him about the Riders. What about the riders?
61)Soulsteel: that's a big Rider
62)Roboute Tauren: "Only Riders would be so accurate"
63)Roboute Tauren: "3 days hard travel, as the Rider flys. and let us hope we don't have one of those on our tail"
64)Mezz Dispenser: All Riders die. Not every Rider truly lives.
65)Roboute Tauren: "Honoree and the Deathly riders"
66)Mezz Dispenser: She's built like a steakhouse, but she handles like a Rider!
67)Roboute Tauren: "Stardate: The year of the rider"
68)Ngwenyama: what makes a Rider turn neutral?
69)Mezz Dispenser: If I should die, tell my Rider "Hello."
70)Soulsteel: Pacific Tech - smart Riders on Ice!
71)Roboute Tauren: Hey, you here the one about the woman in the nudist colony. the one that nothing looked good on. Take my rider, Please!
72)Ngwenyama: I'm here to see a man about a Rider
73)Roboute Tauren: He's an ugly little rider, isn't he.
74)Mezz Dispenser: Take off and nuke the Riders from orbit. It's the only way to be sure..
75)Mezz Dispenser: Please put that in the form of a Rider.
76)Roboute Tauren: Corpoeral Hicks... he can't make that desicions he's just a a Rider.. no offense
77)Ngwenyama: Rider!? You want the Rider? You can't handle the Rider!



O.o And this is why I don't RP in the first place....far too much nonsense for my liking