The Rivera Foundation [RP-SG]




OOC: So, I've been having this idea at the back of my mind, waiting. With I16 coming soon, I figured I'd start up my newest RPSG and give leading a try again. So, the SG is called The Rivera Foundation, and it is lead by my hero, Shadowscythe (name: Michael Rivera, hence the SG's name). The gist of it is a foundation/organazation that is open to all, give or take. Michael is a rich man who is generous to all kind. As the alias of Shadowscythe, he is a teacher and a hero.

The Rivera Foundation is X-Menish, in that it will be a school. However, not just muants, as Shadowscythe is magic origin. But it is also a home, in that it will house whoever wishes to join the Foundation. Its goal is to protect Paragon and teach people to become the new protectors for when the mortal old ones die off, so that Paragon is always safe.

So, seek me out on Shadowscythe or here, for information, and obviously ingame for invte.

Thank you, and good night.



@Schatten der Herzen



I would mention Shadow's reputation for SGs is almost as bad as mine. If not worse.

Sign me up!

As I was going up the stair
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish, I wish, he'd stay away.

-- Hughes Mearns (1875-1965) The Psychoed
Saint Fourth the Patron Saint of Dark Poetry



Haha, yeah, but its all worth a try.

Fourth, just find me on Shadowscythe/@Schatten der Herzen.