caging questions




i want to make a concept character who can cage people.
Obviously, gravity will be my primary, but i am stuck between sonic, which I have never played with, and FF which I have. I plan on using the dual cage/intange powers on STF's and ITF's and anywhere else applicable. I know this guy wont be able to farm and he wont have any heals, but i need to know the difference between the 3 said cages. what are good uses for them? what about the pro's/con's of grav/ff versus grav/sonic. Also, I plan on taking flight and fitness...and maybe hasten. for an epic, probably mind or primal.
anything anyone can tell me would be welcome.



Originally Posted by Medic_brietz View Post
i want to make a concept character who can cage people.
Obviously, gravity will be my primary, but i am stuck between sonic, which I have never played with, and FF which I have. I plan on using the dual cage/intange powers on STF's and ITF's and anywhere else applicable. I know this guy wont be able to farm and he wont have any heals, but i need to know the difference between the 3 said cages. what are good uses for them? what about the pro's/con's of grav/ff versus grav/sonic. Also, I plan on taking flight and fitness...and maybe hasten. for an epic, probably mind or primal.
anything anyone can tell me would be welcome.
Until they make /dark available to controllers, there's really no difference except that Sonic has the cage available six levels earlier. I've played a grav/sonic to 38. I played him to 22 with the pair of cages (intang). And respecced him AND paid to change his name, in the hopes of salvaging the character into something interesting to play.

It would be unfair for me to hold back that: ugh. This build is painfully boring and ineffective. The same will be true for grav/FF of course.

Still, I would prefer sonic to FF, mainly because of (the end hog that is) sonic disruption. It's at least an aggressive bit. Weak controls + defensive secondary is sadsauce.

... Although. I suppose that if you last this long, it might be amusing to repulsion bomb + wormhole clusters of bosses. >_<

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters



In terms of maximizing returns, I would go with Force Field.

Sonic isn't terrible, but IMO the +Defense from Force Field is better than Sonic's +Resistance. Especially since if you really want +Resistance you can go with Thermal Radiation and lose almost nothing except the AoE mezz protection.

Force Field offers you Personal Force Field for emergencies, great +Defense on allies and the pet, and an AoE stun to stack with Wormhole. As a Gravity/FF you also get the unique advantage of being able to immobilize enemies and still knock them back with Force Bolt to position them exactly where you want them. Also, as a FF you will need to expend fewer slots than the very endurance heavy Sonic, leaving you more slots to invest in your primary.