Help please!!!!!




I just bought myself a months worth of play time, and after i had i clicked to cancle subscription so the payment wouldn't continue after the time i bought ran out.

i've done this before and its worked fine but now it wont let me log onto the game because apparently i don't have any game time on the books.

On the NCsoft site it says i have untill the 5th october which is one month, but it wont let me log in. (Edit: test Server btw)

Whats happening!!!!
Please Help =S



Originally Posted by NeonPower View Post
I just bought myself a months worth of play time, and after i had i clicked to cancle subscription so the payment wouldn't continue after the time i bought ran out.

i've done this before and its worked fine but now it wont let me log onto the game because apparently i don't have any game time on the books.

On the NCsoft site it says i have untill the 5th october which is one month, but it wont let me log in. (Edit: test Server btw)

Whats happening!!!!
Please Help =S
It sounds like you waited for the account to lapse and then just re-upped. If that's the case, then it can take up to three days for the Test Server to get caught up with account changes. You should have nearly instantaneous access to the Live Servers (anything over one hour wait to get on Live should result in a call to Customer Service). But, it's been acknowledged by the CS Reps that it takes much longer for Test to resync with account maintenance.

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Oh right, cool at least my account hasn't bugged up then =)

Thanx, thats put my mind at ease