How much time have you spent on your Kheld?




Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

I'd actually forgotten to check 'til earlier. Worst performance is on Virtue, but those go to maintain a base and SG as well as play, so they're on, pay rent, then I go join friends elsewhere...

Therra Paladina - 50 PB - 623hr, 366 patrols. (50 in I5-I6.)
Sunhaven - 21 Warshade - 26 hr, 34 patrols (LPacted)

Voidbane: 50 PB - 181 hours, 151 patrols
Violet Flame - 50 WS - 522 hours, 432 patrols

Voidbane (original) - 24 PB - 70 hr, 88 patrols
Gregor Malkov - 23 WS - 75 hours on 75 patrols.

Didn't check since they're low:
Aria hightalon, 6 PB. (Need to do something with her costume. It bugs me.)
Umbral Flare - 9 WS.

1495 hr total, 1110 patrols.

The difference between my first 50 PB (Therra, up top) and my newest is... interesting. No PL'ing, though Voidbane was part of a duo (and vi part of a trio.) The first 50 still took a lot longer to *get* there. As far as Voidbane - yes, she's on two servers, since that's (personally) where her storyline went. She also replaced an earlier PB there (pre-extra slots/rename, IIRC - though I'd have started over anyway) in the ... eh, late teens or early 20s.

All that said, they'll probably get more play once my "one of everything to 50" is done with. Need to get the bane up there (slog, slog, slog, bored) and a Corruptor as well (38 or 39 now.. but another duo.) And get my friends to stop dragging me into new projects or theme teams
Wow, you have the "win" (obviously this isn't a contest.. just a point of reference for those on these boards that try to take something negative out of every word I type) on number of Khelds made... I don't think I could ever be motivated to make that many, even though I love my Khelds...

By the way, your link to "guides" needs to be updated... It takes me to a page that says "sorry, no matches. Please try some different terms." I'm guessing it was a link that was botched by the move to these new forums...

"The One"

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



The only Kheld I still have surviving is my Warshade namesake Princess Darkstar, and I checked yesterday and she was on 949 hours and 702 patrols.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Here's what I don't get: I played my PB exclusively with my wife's lv 43 warshade, and we pretty much coordinate all our CoH time, with the exception of an occasional hour or two when the other's working.

Yet it says she's had 2600+ hours on her WS? I can see some disparity in our hours, but when I've got 238 I start to wonder (never mind that she didn't make 50 in that may hours).

Weird, huh?

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



Anyone can find this information by talking to any civilian in game with a name that starts with an "M" (for hours played on that toon) or an "N" (for amount of times you've logged on to that toon)...
First of all, I had no idea this existed!

Question: Are there any other special civilian information providers using other letters?

If there is a guide or post regarding this, I'd be interested in knowing how to find it.

(Edited to add: I later found more on this in Paragon wiki:



Actually, I didn't know the "E" one.... Now I'm curious!

"The One"

*EDIT* It told me 22:17 (10:17pm). I'm located on the west coast, and my time (at the time) was 3:17pm. Does this mean that the Freedom server is located somewhere around England's time zone (approximately)?

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



I've spent 403 hours on my WS (Image of the Past) and logged on 244 times.

I was a little surprised how little time I'd spent on him but I guess I only log onto him when I've found a nice little TF to join