Firebase Zulu TF's




greetings Freedom,

I am very interested in running Dr. Quaterfield , Sara Moore & Justin Augustine.

I always have a hard time calling for those TF's as they need time commitment, so I wanted to post on the forums to generate buzz and interest in running those TF's ..

please let me know, I'd love to run something weekdays or weekends.



I was thinking about running either Sara or Justin next Thursday evening around 9:00 pm central. You are welcome to join if the time works for you.

I will put up a sign up sheet Friday evening so as not to clutter the board too much.



Originally Posted by Alt_AKA_Joe View Post
I was thinking about running either Sara or Justin next Thursday evening around 9:00 pm central. You are welcome to join if the time works for you.

I will put up a sign up sheet Friday evening so as not to clutter the board too much.
If you don't mind me pushing it, I'll try to be there. I'm assuming next week, not this week? I won't get home until right at 8:30 CST (apparently, I'm the only one of the techs who got certified to run the webinar server. Amazing, that, given the webinar classes run from 5-6:30 or 8:00 pm).

Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.



If I get enough sign-ups adjusting the time is no big deal,I'm already planning on Turg being a few minutes late to the Faathim this week.

Gonna take our conversation to pm's as not to threadjack this person anymore



Originally Posted by Alt_AKA_Joe View Post
If I get enough sign-ups adjusting the time is no big deal,I'm already planning on Turg being a few minutes late to the Faathim this week.
Who what when where? Specifically, when? I assume that's one of them?
(sorry, work's been a pain in the @$$ and #*(% the last week. I'm not current like I should be, today.)

Explorer: 93%. Achiever: 40%. Socializer: 40%. Killer 33%.
Current Heroes and Villains (altitis holding at 50 currents)
To all the devs, past, present, (and may there be) future: /salute
To NCSoft: Understand that you reap what you plant, and you cannot gain what you throw away.