Death of Captain Power...




For the fans of my AE missions, about the Death of Captain Power....well, it's been pushed back a few months, sorry. I know I have few fans and should do what I can to keep them loyal, but I have been pretty busy in RL and so I will therefore be pushing it back until mid September. The following part of the Saga, Resurrection of Captain Power will follow as soon as it can be completed and released. (that's right! exclusive announcement! unlike most death of comic characters, I will tell you up front, Captain Power will not stay dead, and his resurrection will be soon!)

To my few fans, and even fewer friends, thank you for your patience. =D

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Originally Posted by Capt_Power View Post
For the fans of my AE missions, about the Death of Captain Power....well, it's been pushed back a few months, sorry. I know I have few fans and should do what I can to keep them loyal, but I have been pretty busy in RL and so I will therefore be pushing it back until mid September. The following part of the Saga, Resurrection of Captain Power will follow as soon as it can be completed and released. (that's right! exclusive announcement! unlike most death of comic characters, I will tell you up front, Captain Power will not stay dead, and his resurrection will be soon!)

To my few fans, and even fewer friends, thank you for your patience. =D
Take your time, we all look forward to it

Glad ol Captain Power isn't staying dead. Might be a bit odd to see him running around Paragon City being dead and all


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I'm sure It will be great like your other arcs. No problems here waiting on the greatness.

Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Glad ol Captain Power isn't staying dead. Might be a bit odd to see him running around Paragon City being dead and all
I call dibs on the
Zombie Apocalypse Captain Power Badge

@1st. Son

Help Agent Martin in: A Favor for Liberty
AE arc #381565
My 1st. Video: Agent Martin in the new tutorial zone.



Thanks alot for the comments and compliments guys. =D

Luna, I have killed characters I even have dead characters I have stories for, and how they died. LOL. well, one in particular, my first Empath Defender, named Green Diamond, not apparantly the one running around Paragon City at the moment, but the "first" one to my knowledge. She was a college kid enrolled in a nursing program who discovered a green meteorite which gave her the ability to heal. Unfortunately she met her demise at the hands of the Circle of Thorns. She went into the Cavern of Transcendance, with a small group of heroes. Only problem was, the group was made up of a Blapper pretending to be a tank, a Defender pretending to be a blaster, and a scrapper with all of the travel powers and hardly any attacking ability. The Circle of Thorns have their essences somewhere in the depths of Oranbega, and it's said her's was the only power they captured that day they could completely understand.


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Originally Posted by Capt_Power View Post
Only problem was, the group was made up of a Blapper pretending to be a tank, a Defender pretending to be a blaster, and a scrapper with all of the travel powers and hardly any attacking ability.
Sounds like my nightmare team, lol. Sadly, my first toon (an Invul Tank) had Flight and Teleport because I couldn't decide which to take and ended up taking them both. Course, the toon was deleted shortly thereafter and Dr. Infinite (now Dr. Hollywood, name was already taken on Freedom ) was born. Oddly enough, I went with Super Speed on her, adding Teleport at some point because I got tired of having zero vertical travel ability. By then I had already memorized the route to the TV reactor by foot....



I'm excited for it



Originally Posted by Capt_Power View Post
unlike most death of comic characters, I will tell you up front, Captain Power will not stay dead, and his resurrection will be soon!)
Unlike most death of comic characters, he won't stay dead? Really......well I look forward to it but I think you need to be shown the revolving door of death at Marvel and DC



I was being sarcastic...hehe, sorry it doesn't come out in text very well. I meant that "unlike most..." I will tell you right up front that he's coming back, not like Marvel and DC where they keep trying to tell you the character is dead for good....then a year later, bring them back. i.e. Superman, Captain America, Batman, Flash (Barry Allen), etc/

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Originally Posted by Capt_Power View Post
I was being sarcastic...hehe, sorry it doesn't come out in text very well. I meant that "unlike most..." I will tell you right up front that he's coming back, not like Marvel and DC where they keep trying to tell you the character is dead for good....then a year later, bring them back. i.e. Superman, Captain America, Batman, Flash (Barry Allen), etc/
Well Captain America and Superman were sales stunts. Ok more Superman then Cap, but you know those two weren't going to stay dead.

Batman ,despite leaving a fried corpse behind and Black Hand now using his skull as a conduit for the Black Rings in the Blackest Night is really displaced in time, so technically speaking he's not dead.

Barry Allen was gone for over 20 years. I don't think they actually wanted him back until recently.

Bottom line though is that an iconic character like the above will never stay dead. Even when a character's fall from grace and demise were as poorly written as Hal Jordan's was.