Making a SS/Shield Guide...




I have a new job where 8 days out of the month I don't have a lot to do besides browse the web and write. I was thinking I would like to put together a SS/Shield guide as it has turned out to be one of the funnest toons I've played. To be honest, I'm not even out of my 30s yet but I don't seem him getting any less fun. I was thinking that I could write a guide that would tell a bit about power choices, then go into a leveling/playing guide and finally have a few sample builds at the end.

Is this type of thing desirable or since the games numbers have become so transparent, guides are no longer needed? This and a Fire/Kin guide are two that I'm interested in trying to write but there seems to be less need for a Fire/Kin one.

Thoughts? Opinions? Comments?

Thanks in advance.



Go for it B-ry.
More opinions are always welcome.



Many people aren't number crunchers. I almost never look at the in-game numbers myself. But I do appreciate being able to read a well written guide that gives me an idea of how a powerset combo plays. Even if there are several guides in a similar theme, it can help to have a fresh perspective. I'd say that if you have the time, do both!

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Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
I would like to put together a SS/Shield guide as it has turned out to be one of the funnest toons I've played.
By all means go for it. I'd first read ThugsRus's guide, since he made his pretty recently and you'll want to make sure you're not simply echoing the same stuff.

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