Level 50 Archery Blaster, Looking For SG




I am sorry if I am placing this in the wrong section, since the new look of the forums, I have not been able to find an appropriate area.

I have a level 50 Archery Blaster, (RainingArrowChampion) looking for a casual SG on the Freedom Server, I am not as active as some, as I have family & work daily, so it is kind of sporatic when I am on.

Just looking to join a friendly SG & make friends on the Freedom server, thanks.



This is as good a place to ask as any, Cruick, welcome aboard.

There are a bunch of casual-focused SGs here, so you shouldn't have too much of an issue. Take a look at Altoholic_Monkey's stickies here for our Hero/Villain group listings, and check out some of the more recent entries.

Personally, I'd also recommend getting into the global channels here and getting to know people first, rather than SGs; find people you like, and then ask about THEIR SGs. You won't like a SG if you can't stand the players!

Took a peek at your posting history, and saw that you asked the same question with no response just around the time we had the forum reset. Normally we'll respond to stuff like this, so speaking on the behalf of all the personalities of Freedom server, I'd like to say, "Cope, we're too damn busy."

Seriously, GL finding a crew, and participate in the globals! Luna and E-Man run a top-shelf open-membership TF crew weekly which has very high quality turnout. I'd say start there personally, but they're just one facet of about a billion other facets to our motley crew of a server!

