Any tips for my build?




I run a 50 rad/therm corr that i use for teaming. Someone in my friends VG told me that rad/therm can be killer in PvP zones but i'm so use to using him only for teams that i'm not sure which powers (pri/sec/patron/pool) are nessary in order to not just die over and over....any help anyone can give would be nice. =)



The biggest q's you need to answer is this.

Do you want to keep your buffs?
Do you want hibernate or phase as a check out power?



from prim only take - NB, X-Ray, Aim and CB

from 2ndry take - Warmth,FS, Caut, PS, Forge, HE and MA

i wouldnt waste too many slots on the shields, i took them for a place to put KB ios

power pools - speed (hasten,ss), leaping (CJ and SJ), Fitness and Concealment (Stealth,GI and Phase)

as far as patron goes, it depends on what you want to do, be more of an aggressor or support, if your gonna be aggresive then id go either Mu (for CA and CP) or Mace (for Web Env, Scorp Shield and FA) or if you want to be more supportive then id go soul (DE,PB and soul storm).

all of this fits, just depending on the epic you choose you may have an extra power choice, if so then fit in Acro if you can.

Hope this helps some

@The REAL Chop

My teachers always told me to follow my dreams. To bad they are all Nightmares.