Please welcome Red skeleton to the forums!




We would like to introduce you to a new red name on the forums. His name is Red Skeleton and in spite of his villainous tendencies, he actually is Ghost Falcon's sidekick.

He will primarily be posting in threads related to publishing matters but you will most likely be coming across his posts in the Beta section.

Now, we mentioned that he really was a villain, but his tyrannical inclinations have not earned him a place in the City of Heroes cannon so don't expect to run into him ingame or find information about him in the lore. Being a shady character, he also prefers to work from the obscurity of his closet so he doesn't mind leaving all the fame and glory to others.

And just because the quest for his red name proved to be one of intense contemplation, we thought we'd share with you what Red Skeleton could have been known as, had he not had his say in this. Mini Falcon anyone? How about Gag Inducer?

But enough of this; please join us and welcome Red Skeleton to our forums and make him feel part of our community!

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