Arc #64800 - The Power From Out Of Space




After a thorough, and necessary, thrashing from Lazarus, I've given this arc a twisting here, a turning there, and a very hard banging about the other. Officially "Looking for Feedback".

Morality: Heroic
Level Range: 32-37 (odd, I know, but that's what fit the foes)
Length: Long (4 missions)
Factions: Crey, CoT, Custom Group, Freakshow
Strange energy is coming from somewhere and is transforming people. Is it dangerous, or can it be harnassed? Light-hearted, soloable. AV/EB in last mission, but you have help. The Custom Group is made entirely out of standard foes.

Give it a look-see. I'm very open to improvements that don't torpedo the story I want to tell.

My Arc: The Power From Out Of Space, ID# 64800
Mrs. Spoon's Arc: Shades of Betrayal, Acts of Salvation, ID# 59147