Gadget Control, one more time.




Suppose you thought the devs might be looking to diversify more than create new sets per se, and suppose you thought you could push the envelope on "diversification" a little and envision them crossing functionality from blaster secondary or de/buff set directly into a control set.

Well, what's the standard you'd want to have your eye on before you go making up a new set?

The generic (fire/earth) controller template:
Tier 1: ST Immob
Tier 2: ST Hold
Tier 3: AOE Immob
Tier 4: AoE Slow/Aggro Manage
Tier 5: Aggro Manage/AoE Slow
Tier 6: AoE Stun
Tier 7: AoE Hold/Pulsing Knock*
Tier 8: Pulsing Knock*/AoE Hold
Tier 9: Pet

Right, so, what powers that thematically don't have a control primary yet seem controllery? For me, the first things that leap out are the Devices/Traps/"Gadget" sets.

Gadget Control: the Obvious set.
1 Web Grenade
2 Taser (A ST Stun!)
4 Smoke Grenade
5 Caltrops
6 Concussion Grenade (ala malta)
8 Oil Slick Grenade

The above with details of recharge, accuracy, damage &c brought into line with controller equivalents, of course. There're only three powers this really leaves a gadget control set short on:

AoE Immob
Aoe Hold

Empty Clips
Cloaking Device
Triage Beacon
Poison Trap (scale back regen debuff, increase %chance on pulsing hold)

I'm not sure any of the missing pieces are necessary for a plausible, rounded control set in this case. Particularly if the novelty of a ST stun rather than a ST hold is retained. And wouldn't a set that could plausibly abandon pet and AoE hold bring novelty to the range of controller possibilities?

Choosing a Controller V2 | Splattrollers | Plant/Rad | Fire/Storm | Mind/Emp & Mind/Rad
Weird Controller Powers | Conf & XP/Time | Controller Damage
Being a Healer | The word Necessary | Natural Concept Characters