Suggestion about Prestige
What did you kill to earn 5 prestige at Level 50? It should scale up as you get tougher but if you are killing greys it'll still be nothing.
It does go up as you lvl, OP.
I think that you may be confusing Pres with infl/infa...? That goes down if you play in SG mode.
It was a yellow I killed..and I have only seen the amount of pres going down not up with all my toons,,it may just be a glitch with our toons,,i dunno. doing a STF tonight,,will look again.
It's set up that way so you are contributing around the same amount as you level.
At low levels, you aren't killing as many foes, and you aren't killing them as fast.
At higher levels you kill mobs much faster, and you kill a lot more of them.
Looking at just the amount per kill isn't the whole picture, you have to look at how many you kill, and the speed at which you do so as well.
I'm pretty sure if you compared a low level character to a high level character over the course of one hour the high level character will be earning more prestige. At the very least it will be about the same.
I don't remember exactly, but I believe the offical reason is so that you don't have to be high level to feel like you're contributing to your SG.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
Earnings Progression
Level 1: 52% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 2: 54% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 3: 56% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 4: 58% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 5: 60% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 6: 62% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 7: 64% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 8: 66% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 9: 68% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 10: 70% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 11: 72% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 12: 74% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 13: 76% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 14: 78% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 15: 80% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 16: 82% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 17: 84% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 18: 86% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 19: 88% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 20: 90% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 21: 92% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 22: 94% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 23: 96% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 24: 98% Prestige, 100% Influence/Infamy
Level 25: 100% Prestige, 90% Influence/Infamy
Level 26: 100% Prestige, 80% Influence/Infamy
Level 27: 100% Prestige, 70% Influence/Infamy
Level 28: 100% Prestige, 60% Influence/Infamy
Level 29+: 100% Prestige, 50% Influence/Infamy
Prestige for any mob is split between any team members, given the OPs comment of 5 for a yellow (Im assuming minion), that stongly suggests a team of 3 was involved.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
This is just my opinion,, "prestige" means reputation based on high achievement, character, etc... (thats from the dictionary) So wouldn't it make since to be getting more prestige as you go up in levels instead of less. I meam a lv 50 getting 5 prestige, come on,, it just seems to me that it would make more since to get more prestige as you get higher in lvs than getting less since that's what the term "prestige" stands for. Anyone agree with me on this??