Spot the horrible sales pitch!

Marcian Tobay



Certain games are awesome. We know this. You have to wonder, however... How did they pitch this at the meeting!?

So, I've devised a little game that goes like this: One describes how they -think- the business pitch must have gone in the weirdest way possible. At the end of it, enclose a link that will show what the game is.

No need to post answers, as they will be enclosed in the links. Just challenge yourself to come up with the weirdest (yet accurate) pitches and to try and figure out others'. Enjoy!

1) Okay, so, here's what I'm thinking, ya ready? Zoo creatures versus pirates. You're all zoo animals, and you have to take on a bunch of pirates. Sometimes, they're lava pirates. Other times, they're carnival pirates. Just... pirates, pirates, pirates! Oh, and the best part? Sometimes, you get to go again if you spell your own name correctly. I call it...

2) So, there's this genre of game that's flooding the market right now. Absolutely FLOODING! People love how complex the strategy is and how intense the action is as you try to out think the oncoming forces. Here's how we get on top: We dumb down the strategy and replace the action with gardening. Trust me, people will be falling over to play a game about strategic gardening. And the best part? The name!.