A tried to make my first Ae, and....
Are you just putting them in a group and setting that group as the one for the map? Spawns like that follow the same rules as they do in the regular game, mostly minions, a few Lts., with Bosses showing up for higher difficulty and/or larger teams.
If you want to fight a particular mob, like your customs as an AV/EB, set a Boss objective, choose whatever group the custom is in, then pick which custom you want to show up. You would need to do this for each AV/EB you want to face, since they do not spawn in the regular spawns. And this way you only face one per mission, unless the creator deliberately sets more then one of the same.
Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy

... i got some problems :/
I still didnt publicate it because i dont understand why it doesnt spawn the foes i want.
I made the npc version of some of my heroes (and some of my friend's heroes), i set them like AV but when i test the mission... nothing!! they dont show :/
Why that?
Same thing if i set them like EB... they dont show :/
Then i tried to set them as Boss... but only 1-2 showned
I only see some of the lieutenants i made :/
Tonight i wanted to do this miss with friends, it would be nice to fight our heroes in AV version... but it seems im missing something :/
Where is my mistake? why cant i see Av-Eb-boss on my Ae miss?