Can't Get Into Freedom?




I can go to any other server but when I try to go in Freedom it logs me in for like 10 seconds then it says "Couldn't find TypeDef NonCombatPet_RiktiMonkey in Sequencer NONCOMBATPET_RIKTIMONKEY.TXT"

What can I do to fix this? Kthx.



Been on a few times but have crashed 3 times with:

Couldn't find TypeDef NonCombatPet_RiktiMonkey in Sequencer NONCOMBATPET_RIKTIMONKEY.TXT

I saw in broadcast and arena chat that there was a bug with that pet - if you summon it, it will crash the zone you summon it in (or server???).



My game, see? Won't let me on, see? Tells me, this rikti file ain't here, see? Who needs those rikti monkeys anyway, see? All lame and dumb, like one of the slow kids, see? Now if I don't get my file back, see? I'm gonna have you sleepin' with the fishes, myah!



That happens to everybody in the area every time somebody summons a Veteran Rikti Pet. Some people think it's funny to grief with it I guess. It's becoming very wide-spread.

I reported it this morning and escalated to Senior Development, but have heard nothing back yet.

Until there is another patch, try not to go into heavily populated areas.