Welcome to the new Official City of Heroes Forums!




Long ago he who shone forth light prophesied the coming of new forums, and behold the day of prophecy is upon us!

Welcome to our new home here on the web, we hope you enjoy the remodel! There are a bunch of new features we hope you enjoy and use, and in general the forums should be a much nicer place overall. We’ve added such features as Visitor Messaging, Calendars, and Social Networking, and we’ve been reunited with our global CoH playing brethren as the North American and European forums have merged into one big happy family.

While we have done our best to make this transition as painless as possible please understand that no project this large can be done without some sacrifices. One of the most noticeable changes is that all links to prior posts will not be functional, so make sure to use the much improved new search function when looking for specific posts or threads. Also, some of you may have noticed either a _EU or _NA appended to your names. Rest assured this is not a permanent feature but only for the interim. We will announce further details of how we plan to resolve the naming conflicts in the near future.

Welcome back, and thanks for your patience!

To discuss this announcement please go here.

To give feedback on the forums please go here.

To report bugs for the forums please go here.



*** This just in ***

If you are having trouble logging into the forums please attempt using your in game login password.