Weapon Based Custom Foes Bugged AI
AR still seems a bit iffy in places and certain combos - my AR bosses are still not 100%, still need more testing though.
I have noticed a similar issue with a BS/invun AV I created with wider testing. Turned out he spammed parry for no good reason over and over again. After removing it (he now has 2 BS powers removed total), his AI now works perfectly. There appears to be correlation with AVs spamming self buffing powers until they get a good or max'ed stacking before moving along. Removal seems to augment that and make them more offensively tuned.
BA and Mace seem to both have an occasional AI issue where they get stuck doing the same animation over and over. Experimenting with what powers to remove in order to help their AI and cycling. So far doesn't seem random, it appears to tie to when they have been in sustained one to one combat with only a single chars aggro. When they charge to the next foe they often seem to reset their AI.
Although one bug that is irritating me with weapons - the foe draws their weapon, then puts it away to throw a knife and then gets it out again. I would think the throwing knife would only be when the foe cannot be reached - not when he's standing 10 feet away.
I've been testing some newly created foes using the 'custom' options that I have craved for so damned long and certain foes with weapons appear to be bugging and not using all the powers they have.
The guy got stuck for several minutes using the tier 1 when he was not debuffed for any form of -rech. I actually desummoned my pets and let my dom stand toe-to-toe to him and he did squat really. Then randomly he seemed to get bored of not hurting me - ran off and charged my teammate and proceeded to wham nearly every power. And then started to spam the tier 1 again for about 30 secs then used others again. Makes no sense as he has other powers thaty are recharged well in time.
Boss - AR/SR
He has tier 1-3, full-auto and flamethrower. He never used anything past tier 3 at all in any of the ones that spawned. Forced and 'regular' spawns.
Other foes in group use AR and don't appear to cycle their powers well. Could be a small bug that was fixed last night, but I wanted to see if anyone else has noticed any sets bugging like this as release notes claim foes will now cycle their custom-selections properly. Also I wonder if this is solely to do with just weapon based sets but the servers went down last night before the re-re-retests were completed.
Naturally, I will test more tonight but I am curious to see if others are experiencing this as ofc servers went down so couldn't submit to support ingame.