for all the couples out there




congratulations Baby_Phoenix!

my two are 17 and 14.

does it get any easier?

no comment

But I will really doesn't seem that long ago that we had the first scan.

My advice therefore...cherish every second, although I don't think I needed to say it

once again..congratulations!

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



well yeah, but baby girls turn 16 ones, and you know how evil they get at that time>_<

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No... that would be the boys.
By the time a girl becomes 16 daddies turn into one of these:
1) grey men overnight with nervous twitches
2) mean bad angry men that won't allow boys near their daughter

Daughters know this and exploit of course..

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true enough, but they do get evil.....ones a's a nemesis plot



Congrats, enjoy it all, even the half 2 in the morning ambulance rides (We had one a couple O weeks ago)

You know what they say, have a boy you have one [censored] to worry about, have a girl you have thousands to worry about, unfortunately(?) I find myself in the second group.

Its her birthday today actually, 2 years went sooo fast, I don't even think I'd be finished a SSTF by now... Oh an on that note, any TF's you want to do, get them done asap, you wont get much time to do them



Congrats, enjoy it all, even the half 2 in the morning ambulance rides (We had one a couple O weeks ago)

You know what they say, have a boy you have one [censored] to worry about, have a girl you have thousands to worry about, unfortunately(?) I find myself in the second group.

Its her birthday today actually, 2 years went sooo fast, I don't even think I'd be finished a SSTF by now... Oh an on that note, any TF's you want to do, get them done asap, you wont get much time to do them

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