DR and KB res

Duc de Giz



I'm coming to ask...
Does anyone notice that Diminushing Return's seems to affect KnockBack res too ?

Did a respec this morning and had a very bad surprise when I see that my 21 KB mag res go down to 5.7 when i enter into pvp zone.

Is this intended ? Or just a screenbug (which i doubt)?
If it's intended, then its one of the worse change (and very stealthy... i just notice it today Oo) that I13 brought. Nothing seen on the patch notes...

I just hope that...
but seems that hope leaves the cities of...



To clarify a bit, I believe you are referring to Knockback protection. Knockback resistance exists as well, but is measured in percent rather than magnitude.

Knockback protection is affected by Diminishing Returns. Whether Knockback resistance is, and to what extent, I am unsure.

Most armour powersets, such as Invulnerability or Willpower, will first apply their Knockback resistance to an attack. This reduces it by some large factor (in PvE Knockback resistance is VERY high: 10000%). After that a check is made against the Knockback protection, and if the remaining Knockback is higher you will take a trip through the air.

A problem in PvP will be attacks that cause both mez and knockback. An example is KO blow from the Superstrength set. The hold will suppress toggle Knockback defenses partly or fully (I'm uncertain whether both resistance and protection is suppressed). The Knockup from KO blow is then applied, and the character is thus launched skyward.
This is conceptually rather fitting: if you're stunned and can't brace yourself, you'll go flying. It can be very irritating having to deal with it though, as you'll be unable to take action for a few seconds.

Passive knockback protection does however not suppress. Knockback protection IOs or set bonuses can thus be used to improve knockback protection for characters that ordinarily wouldn't need it, but do in PvP.



It's intended... Jess cleared most of it up.

I guess the devs want everyone to be effected by knockback unless they have a 10000% resistance to KB power.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



thanks for the reply )
Soooo it's what I was afraid off :
No squishie can have enough Kb protection via karma/steadfast/zephyr to stand against any real kb power.
For example: my goal was to protect myself via a 21 mag and it's DR to 5.7 !

Thx again for the info

I've some test in the arena versu a */mental blaster. He have TK Thrust slotted to KB mag 16.62
My corruptor has mag kb res at 21 and wasn't knockbacked.
So it's seems to just being a screenbug. But it can be good do more test with other power/res mag.