OK, so I designed a broad sword/shield custom enemy but at the name screen I got this message: "custom character has an invalid costume". Oh, so I thought I had used some unlockable part or valkyrie part but I hadn't. Tried a couple of times changing parts then the game client crashed me out to Windows desktop.
Maybe this should be filed under Technical issues instead?
Edit II:
After starting the game it worked but I noticed I now had more shields to choose from... must be some temp bug.
OK, so I designed a broad sword/shield custom enemy but at the name screen I got this message: "custom character has an invalid costume". Oh, so I thought I had used some unlockable part or valkyrie part but I hadn't. Tried a couple of times changing parts then the game client crashed me out to Windows desktop.
Maybe this should be filed under Technical issues instead?
Edit II:
After starting the game it worked but I noticed I now had more shields to choose from... must be some temp bug.