Well, as the title says, I was thinking of trying to get a team going to tackle Lord Recluse's SF.
I was thinking of running the SF on Thur 9th April starting at 8pm (GMT), if you're available and interested then please sign up for a spot in the team.
IMPORTANT NOTES:- We will need somebody on the team who has the Usurper badge so we can start the SF, as i dont have the badge.
Hi all,
Well, as the title says, I was thinking of trying to get a team going to tackle Lord Recluse's SF.
I was thinking of running the SF on Thur 9th April starting at 8pm (GMT), if you're available and interested then please sign up for a spot in the team.
IMPORTANT NOTES:- We will need somebody on the team who has the Usurper badge so we can start the SF, as i dont have the badge.
We will also need 8 players to start the SF!
Alts need to be lvl 45-50 (demanding isnt it!)
Team so far -
1) Morgan Singe lvl 50 Corr (Medic)
So come one, come all, for a little evil endeavor.
Connor Wraith