Awesome as always, Rachcake.
Will the same design be on the wedding cake?
lol now THERE'S an idea... not sure my mum would be too pleased though
ty both ^_^
ohhh yur! no better way to live
I wasn't really sure where to put this, and then creative was suggested. My new tattoo... ^_^
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welp, this sows up the argument for a "things I will regret in the future" forum
fake edit: $.02 - would have been much improved without the red as just black line art, and either a little lower or higher on the neck so that most things you wear won't be bisected by it
"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD
"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love
i dont and will never regret any of my tattoos theyre each there for a different time in my life, cant regret that ^_^
and its in the right place to have more put round it when its healed.
or maybe "CITY OF VILLAINS" written in inch high bold letters in bright pink?
...or not lol.
Not decided yet ^_^
and its in the right place to have more put round it when its healed.
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Some crab spider arms around it?
[/ QUOTE ]
What about a homage to the Crab Spider Archetype?, something like "CRABS RULE!" somewhere around the pelvic area?
.... what? - don't say I don't give out good advice!
[EDIT] Personally I think Tamuril's tattoo should entitle her to a reduced subscription rate, a City of Villains Tattoo! - Thats Dedication for you!.
ohh now i like that idea! cheaper CoX stoof nice idea... not sure its going to work. Cheers though mummy ^_^
Just so I'm clear on this... you DO mean Crabs in game... right? Other wise ill be a tad worried about you ^_^
I wasn't really sure where to put this, and then creative was suggested. My new tattoo... ^_^