Are you running windowed, or in full-screen mode?
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Full Screen, or trying too :P
Okay, and the option to set it to your desktop screen resolution is there?
You select the 1440x900 (desktop) option, click "Apply changes", close the option window, log out, log back in, and it's reset to 800x600?
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

I'm on 1440 x 900 and there is no problem whatsoever, it's in the options and it works for me on 32bit Vista
I'm not sure what else to suggest :S
im not sure if this helps, but im using a 32" widescreen LCD tv for my monitor, i had to change my tv settings to a 1360x768 resolution then i did coh for the same everything works fine now, before the whole screen was out of sync, does your monitor have a screen resolution function? done through the actual monitor not the pc
I run at 1440x900 and the game runs fine in that resolution, but setting it can be a little quirky.
What you need to do is the following:
1) Select the required resolution (Use 1440x900 (Desktop) )
2) Click Apply. You will be told you need to restart the game.
3) Select the correct resolution AGAIN (Do NOT click apply)
4) Quit the game
5) Reload. All should now be well.
Step 3 is essential. Miss it out, and it won't work.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
im not sure if this helps, but im using a 32" widescreen LCD tv for my monitor, i had to change my tv settings to a 1360x768 resolution then i did coh for the same everything works fine now, before the whole screen was out of sync, does your monitor have a screen resolution function? done through the actual monitor not the pc
[/ QUOTE ]
reading you say about 32" LCD TV for your monitor.. I've tried COH on our 42" plasma... My god, that's something special, however going back to a 21" afterwards, made everything seem so small
Hi Guys
I have today received my new pc, However the game wont except my screen resolution of 1440 x 900. I can get on the game in 800x600 but the graphics are awfull. Also my mouse is not in sync with the menu button or powers lol. I have downloaded the latest Nvid drivers and im using Vista 64bit with a 9800GT card. Oh and its a 19" widescreen monitor if that makes a difference
All suggestions wellcome, Ive also tried to do it in Regedit and that wont work either please help.