Screenshots in game
Just hit 'Print Screen'
It saves them in the screenshots folder (in your main install folder). Handily date and time stamped.
And '/screenshotui 0' to turn of the UI. '1' to turn it back on again.
Hi there,
Simple as your 'print screen' button on the keyboard.
/screenshotui 1
To include the screen "UI"
/screenshotui 0
To switch them off again.
Gets saved to your CoH installation folder under the screenshot directory I think. Gets an incremental naming by default, I don't rememebr what it is, but they don't get overwritten.
Minor details may be off as I'm not on my home PC, but that's the general gist of it.
when you make a screenshot ingame it automaticly saves them to a folder in your coh drive.
[ C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\screenshots ] by default.
you can set and change the screenshot button in the ingame settings. You can make a different button for tga and jpg screenshots and even make a button to disable the ingame UI.
It saves the files in that folder, with the date and time as file name
The default bind to the Printscreen button will save them as jpgs. There is another command to save them as tgas but I cannot remember what it is.
Lost Ninja had posted a link to a list of all the slash commands but its currently broken unfortunately.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
thank you !!
Knew i was being a shade on the thick side of the plank ....
The default bind to the Printscreen button will save them as jpgs. There is another command to save them as tgas but I cannot remember what it is.
[/ QUOTE ]
Both of these, and the key for toggling the UI for screenshots, can be re-mapped to any key in Menu > Options > Keymapping tab (scroll to the very bottom section). I left jpeg screenshot on PrtScrn then put the UI toggle on the ScrollLk/Insert key next to it on my keyboard - sometimes I want the UI showing, sometimes I don't - depends what I want the screenie for. Default setting always seems to be "UI off" whenever I log-in.
Handy hint: I keep a shortcut to the CoH screenshot folder on my desktop - partly so I can get in there quickly and pick which screenshots to keep (which I then store in a diff folder), but also because I take screenshots of the Vault on each of my characters whenever they deposit rare salvage there, so I have a record of what rares I have stored on each one. It can be handy when you're at the WW/BM and wondering if you have a certain rare for a recipe you want to make - can save you a trip to the Vault to check.
Did a quick search in the player guides section but didnt turn up anything on screenshots. I did search paragon wiki nad while it explains screenies it only describes them as being saved to the clipboard.
anyone any idea how I could
take a screenshot
toggle whether or not it has the UI included
save it to a designated folder *without* having to alt-tab and paste into another app
and have it name the file in upward counting increments (1.tga , 2.tga , 3.tga etc).
and have this all bound to a single key or two key combination....
dont want much do I ?