Explination of Perma Dom
-Yes permadomination is the ability to keep domination going once the bar has been filled by making a recharge build combined with hasten to get it back in 90 seconds.
-He probably allready had his domination bar filled from previous fights or attacking some mobs. Kudos to him though for getting permadom at sirens level, it's an insane accomplishment. Are you sure he was perma? Because I can fire it off twice in a row with hasten and not being perma.
a Perma dom is a dominator who's gotten enough +rech that they can keep up Domination up all the time.
He fought in PvE for a bit to charge up the domination bar probably.
Ok so I've heard alot about "permaDom" and i have a question...
* Is perma dom the term that is given to those who can get the domination clickie down from 200sec recharge to close on 90?
* I fought a perma dom in Sirens recently and I would like to know how he got his bar charged up? Even if the clickie has its recharge time down to 90sec how was he able to be fully charged at the start of the duel ??
Thanks for any help u can give.
Carlsberg don't do Farming,
But if they did..........