Fire/Storm....a few questions




My Fire/Storm corruptor hits lvl 34 last night...but now i got some questions for his further career cause i never had a stormy before and no real clue what i should take.
First of all this char is an AOE GOD, with the downside that his blue bar is always empty...and here we are at point

1.) which patron....scirocco....for power sink? or scorpion for his mace skills (web envelope etc.)...or another idea?
2.) thunderclap worth taking? ( i had bad memories when i thought of my SS tank with handclap...*shudders*)
3.) tornado...good power? or only for fun? or only good in combination with thunderclap-->stacking disorients
4.)o2 boost...the end costs are heavy and this only for a little heal and + perception? should i better get rid of it?

Any suggestions? thx in advance




1.) which patron....scirocco....for power sink? or scorpion for his mace skills (web envelope etc.)...or another idea?

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Can't say, my stormies have all been blueside. I would say that if you're having END problems and you're in the habit of keeping Tornado running all the time, try setting up a /bind for it toggling it on and off as need instead.

2.) thunderclap worth taking? ( i had bad memories when i thought of my SS tank with handclap...*shudders*)

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It one of the coolest looking and sounding powers in the game, alas it's also seemed fairly useless whenever I've had it. I think it only does minions, and the stun is quite short and the recharge comparitively long. If you have another disorient to stack it with you might make something out of it, otherwise I'd say skip unless you want it for concept/RP reasons.

3.) tornado...good power? or only for fun? or only good in combination with thunderclap-->stacking disorients

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It can be a highly damaging power if you slot it up, but it's quite tricky to use. Works very well against anything that's immobilized with -KB power or is knockback resistant, Heros/AVs are prime targets, as then it'll concentrate on the unknockable stuff rather than wandering off to aggro the next spawn. If you have the terrain to keep it in a small corner or restricted area it can also work well. However, in an open area it's pretty much for causing team wipes, a last ditch might-as-well-try-it-before-we-all-die panic button, and amusement only. However I haven't had a Stormie up high enough level for a while to take it recently, so it *might* be better behaved than I remember, tho' I doubt it

I wouldn't attempt to stack disorients with it.

I'd take it unless you have a really tight build and absolutely positively can't fit it in, but you'll need to practice with it a bunch to get the hang of when and when not to use it.

4.)o2 boost...the end costs are heavy and this only for a little heal and + perception? should i better get rid of it?

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It's really not my favorite power either, despite the endurance drain protection it gives. Compared to all the other Heals I've used it always feels really underwhelming. I think I'm in the 'Flip a coin' camp