Lonely noob looking for a home
Hey Alphane
I joined Thundorn's Rage a few months ago now, and really enjoy it. We have a global channel in game, so we can all always chat regardless of what characters we are planning. As well as a usually very active TS server (possibly less so currently with people enjoying their summer atm)
Whilst we dont role play, atleast not as a whole SG, we do have a creative part to our forums to mesh our ideas of characters into a good decent backstory.
But more importantly, we have fun, we team alot, and we even recently competed in the Omega TF weekend thing (which is how I joined)
Our Forums
why dont you drop in and say hello
Cheers for the offer mate. Not entirely sure what I'm going to do at the moment, was thinking of maybe just forming an SG for my own use, as a dry run to maybe trying to get an active SG together in the future sometime.
Cheers for the offer mate. Not entirely sure what I'm going to do at the moment, was thinking of maybe just forming an SG for my own use, as a dry run to maybe trying to get an active SG together in the future sometime.
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Perhaps not your ideal scenario, but following that line of thought, it's always possible to get into some good Coalitions that way. We made most of our friends that way, when we started out. Still some very strong Coalition bonds between us . Plus, saves you being suckered into some terrible and abusive super group (if there are any...)
...unless you're a Masochist
ooh yes hurt me babe.....
sorry were you saying something mate
argh, yes yes just like that.
err cheers for the advice I'll get back to you.
you know I love it like that baby, oh please don't stop
All the SGs i've been in accross various characters ive found simply by virtue of teaming with their members and liking the atmosphere of the team, so thats always another good way to go, many good SGs will probably have a few people at lower level stuff running round at any one time, for whatever reason, so theres a possibility.
Starting your own can be fun too, since you get creativef control over the base. Unfortunatly it can be tough work, as many players will expect to walk into a SG base fully equiped.
I'd like to say a couple of things first to let you know my situation (firstly to get it clear in my own head, secondly in case, and I kind of hope they do, my friends read this). I've been playing City of ... for a couple of months now and am thoroughly enjoying it. I was introduced by a couple of RL friends ( we play D+D together) who ran a highly succsesful guild in Guild wars (Website,Forums, TS server and yearly guild meets at there home ). Them and a couple of other players started playing some Heroes and set up a SG.
Now it seems half the players who migrated, there where only about half a dozen of them, have moved on I'm left looking at a very well equiped but empty SG base. I still see my two good friends in game now and again and I wouldn't stop playing with them for love nor money. But I think I'm missing out on too much SG wise to stay attached to there SG.
So now you've heard my ramble what I am looking for is a fun active SG, that I can get involved with and hopefully contribute something to.
As you might have noticed from earlier I came to online gaming through Roleplaying games and I still love the interplay of diffrent peoples imaganative ideas, so ideally I would be looking for someone who has access to a website or forums that I could contribute too. That and other players to regularly team with to hopefully learn each others strengths and weaknesses, learn more about the game and you never know possibly even to make new friends.
Thanks again if you've stuck with me this far and I look forward to hearing from anyone who thinks they might have what I'm looking for SG-wise.
Good gaming everyone