Race against time (sprint for the last few levels)




As I'm sure everyone is now well aware, VEATs are coming!
I'm also fairly certain that I’m not the only one that has trouble finding teams vill side and find it quite gruelling crawling through the levels by my lonesome.

So heres what I would like to propose;
If you are in the same position as me and have a lvl 40+ villain on defiant that you desperately want to get to the big 5 0 before i12 but don't think you will make it on your own, come team with myself and anyone else that’s interested on a prearranged day(s) and time every week.
This way we can rake in the XP, have some fun and hopefully all make the dash to lvl 50 before i12 hits live (which I estimate will be in about a month).

Anyone up for it?


@Clara Finch



Sounds like a good plan. I'm just returning to the game after a few months away and I've got a level 42 (IIRC) Brute just itching for a fight.



Well it seems no one else likes my idea lol.
My global is @Finchy Appocalypse and Ill be about with Lady Appocalypse (lvl 44 Stalker) if ya wanna look me up, we can always duo if no one else wants to join


@Clara Finch



Brute+stalker can be a good team! I'll add you to global and hopefully we'll see each other this weekend!



cool, dunno about this weekend coz I'll be on a lower lvl toon (lvl 18 MM) for a VG event for most of the day.
Should prob be on a fair bit for a couple of weeks though coz Im on holiday frm college.


@Clara Finch