Union Badgehunters | Wentworth Fun.




Well.. it all started when @Neutronic Girl(me) and @Penny May, fancied a cup of tea and biscuits, so.. we went to Wentworth and started a lil' bit of fun, by inviting anyone for tea and biscuits!!

And than.. it.. spiralled into way bigger xD

Praising the Devil:
Praising the Devil screenshot.

The drum circle:
Drum Circle screenshot

Music Lessons:
Lessons screenshot.

And than.. around 4am, we sort of got giddy:
Protesting @ Wentworths.

Last but not least.. I thought smoking indoors was banned?
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2

Nutty Union's .

ps; we stayed up from around 2am .. to 5:30 am

- Neutronic Girl.



I wasn't even invited.



This looks awesome.