New line from Necrotech!




It's late night once again, the familar (old) face of Dr Edward Johnson flickers onto the screen, the new advertising campaign had begun. The advert isn't exactly glamourous, merely Ed with his back to the camera tinkering around with something in the tool shed.

"Oh I didn't hear you come in, I'm just working on a new project anyway hey there toastaholics! I'm Doc Eddy, here to tell you about Necrotechs latest inhouse developement for all your toasting needs!"

The camera pans down to a toaster, vaguely recognisable as such, there's small anti-grav jets that keep it hovering bolted onto the side, they stylishly moulded with the main body. He healthy thrum can be heard, a white light pulsating inside the toaster.

"This is Necrotechs latest model in toasterific toasting needs...the new Hovery Quantum Toaster...not only can it now follow you while your engaged in flight, superspeeding down the streets or teleporting AND keep also use the power of science to instantly toast your bread on any setting from lightly toasted to singed!"

Ed pops a piece of bread in there's an almighty fizzle and crack as a piece of well done toast pops out.

"Don't worry about this baby going wrong, it's been quality tested by the finest minds and testing gurus known to man, Mad scientists! If they can't blow it up or cause it to create a rip in the fabric of space and time, nobody can!"

"That's not all folks, every purchase of the Walkie or Hovery toaster, thirty percent of the money you spend goes to charities such as the Make-a-wish foundation, allowing for poorly children to have their dreams come true, such as meeting Statesman, Positron or even that fine upstanding british hero Britanic....well he has to have fans, he is british after all..."

The camera panned back up to Edward, "so this is your insane old grandpa of technology here saying invest in my Hovery Quantum Toaster today, make yourself, and the world, feel good...whether your Statesman or Lord Recluse, everybody loves the buttery warmth of fresh toast..."

Edward gently tucks the Hovery-toaster under his arm and pats it gently while the Skull and Cog logo comes up. A voice over (Still Edwards) comes up.

"Remeber to visit there's fun games for kids and a word from Terrance, the walkie-toaster who helped save Galaxy city from Rikti invasion. Remember Terrance could be anywhere, he's undercover right now, so that toaster you see sitting in the corner of your lair...might just be him..villains beware!"

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!