I'm trying to organise a photo shoot for all the different halloween costumes, and wanted to arrange something in Pocket D. and after some discussion, figured why not try to make an event of it?
So who would be interested in a mass Union party in Pocket D this Saturday from 7ish. Volunteers for the photo shoot itself would also be appreciated.
And do we want to have a Halloween ball n halloween itself as well? Thoughts and comments welcome! If people can leave them all in the post of the same name in the Union Villains board, that'd be helpful!
I'm trying to organise a photo shoot for all the different halloween costumes, and wanted to arrange something in Pocket D. and after some discussion, figured why not try to make an event of it?
So who would be interested in a mass Union party in Pocket D this Saturday from 7ish. Volunteers for the photo shoot itself would also be appreciated.
And do we want to have a Halloween ball n halloween itself as well? Thoughts and comments welcome! If people can leave them all in the post of the same name in the Union Villains board, that'd be helpful!