Seeking Villains in Union Universe




(( Union Villain SG recruiting thread, to save you reading further if that's not of interest ))

Following the presumed demise and subsequent overthrow of it's two previous Overlords, the newly appointed leaders of 'The Tempest' are seeking recruits.

We, the Co-Bosses Shadow Mass and Cruel Summer, invite applications from villains of all styles and backgrounds to join with them in their work to rebuild the group following it's period of abandonment. The base has already been relocated from a dusty pyramid to a shiny new cutting edge facility, and rebuilt to include many of the latest technical goodies on the workshop and transport fronts.

Our recent recruiting efforts have gained us some excellent new allies, but after cutting the 'dead wood' our numbers are much more active but also depleted.

We are actively seeking villains to join us, especially those untainted by other Super Groups ((low levels)), or those new to the Villain lifestyle ((new players/alts)). Our goal is to expand the group with like minded villains who are here to explore and learn from the rich environment in the Rogue Isles, rather than those who merely wish to race to the high security levels foresaking experience gained along the way ((that means genuine players preferred, not power levellers)).

If you'd like to join us then please contact Shadow Mass or Cruel Summer ((in-game or here)) and let us know how and when we can reach you. We frequent the Isles at various times, so would hope to be in touch soon.

Thank you for your attention, and good luck with your villainy.

Cruel Summer,
for and on behalf of The Tempest.

(( Thanks folks, happy gaming, hope to hear from some of you soon ))



Although recent recruiting numbers and quality have been good, we are still seeking cannon fodder.... I mean allies.

Anyone wishing further details or a membership invitation should contact Cruel Summer ((that's me/us)), or one of our officers, Ms Adams, Sullster or Raven Kemmler.

(( Leaving a message here or on Union-Villains Forum thread "Roleplaying SG recruiting, #955430 - Sun Sep 23 2007 10:57 PM" would likely get a response too))

Thanks to all the current members for their support, and welcome in advance to the new additions.




We're still accepting membership enquiries, so if you'd like to join us and take advantage of the company of an excellent group and variety of villains and a highly equipped base then drop a line to Cruel Summer. If I'm not on then send a little e-mail and I'll get back to you

Thanks, and hope to bring you into the fold soon.