Numina TF 26/06/07




Just wondering if anyone was interested in doing Numina's TF on Tuesday?

The details are:

Contact: Numina
Level Range: 35 - 40
Notes: Requires 4 people
Zone: Founders' Falls
Location: Center of Williams Square near the fountain
Primary Enemy: Devouring Earth
Name: Soul of the Woodsman
Badge: Numina's Compatriot Badge
Description: Numina and the spirit of the Woodsman were pleased to present you with this medal.

Im thinking of starting between 6 and 7:30 depending on when people can make. If your interested then please leave your global, toon name, AT and what time you free to start.

Nicky out.



I am intrested, I have a blaster lvl 38 ARC/DEV
My global is: @Clau
Just give a message wheb you are in