So few people on Defiant?




hate to tell u this but cox is nearly dead in the U.S.
I live in the U.S., the only reason i'm on UK is because my friends i had and got me into the game were here, but all but 1 long gone 2 wow.
in the U.S. we can't buy cox - any copy of it from the gaming stores, we have to find it on ebay or 'sometimes' a copy will be left at like best buy.
all the gaming shops removed them, and just destroyed them rather then ship them back, as "a Waste of space" and "a dead game taking up our shelves".
just ask other U.S. gamers, it is sad, i like this game (until recently) and have been getting nothing from my UK friends on wow but copies of wow and to come over and forget about cox.

[/ QUOTE ]

See, that's odd, because while you may have to look/ask over here, most shops that sell MMO's I've been in have CoH/V.

And that's with the UK's significantly smaller play population compared to the US.