help with slotting my warshade





I am unsure on some slotting for some powers, can you please take a look and give opinions Any help will be appriciated

My current slotting is:

Starless Step - 2 acc
Gravity well - 1 acc, 1 hold
Gravity Emanation - 1 acc, 1 slow
Inky Aspect - 1 acc, 1 disorient

My build is tight for slots so that is why I have slotted these powers like this, am I doing something wrong or is it worth taking slots from somewhere else to slot these powers better since I am going to be a tri-form




if this is human only or human/dwarf (as per other thread) i'd reconsider the gravity well and gravitic emenation powers, both of these i ended up heavily slotting on my dual form WS, both got 3 recharge, well got 2 acc and 1 hold, emanation got 2 acc.

starless step i never took

inky aspect i had 2 acc 1 end (or was it the otherway round, hmm), certainly 1 of each at least




Im unsure which to go for at the moment, plus i have a freespec so will have to see lol