maybe its time.......
I've tried and failed your plan on an altogether less organised and rubbish level. I found it impossible to get any RP on Defiant, I was there for ages, never found any so lost interest and moved to Union after rejoining at Issue 9. As you may be able to tell by the lack of enthusiasm for this post by anyone but me, not many Defiant RPers stick to Defiant or even the RP forums.
I give you all the best of luck for your success however my Defiant Bretherin! Also, Infernus is the guy who used to do the Costume Competitions I was always winning wasn't he? /em lies about ever winning. ^_^
Edited because:
I don't want to Jynx you, I've decided. Getting negative feedback from Union folk about how stuff "Can't be done" sunk me in my tracks. So, get in touch with @Raz if you're interested in Defiant RP people! It's for a good cause.
It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.
I play both servers, but it is far harder to find Roleplayers on Defiant. Most of the very few I have found are like me, playing both English servers.
I got a couple on Defiant, but havn't used them in months. And, as anyone will tell you, I'm a role-play nut when it comes to Union. Well, pocked d anyway...
My altitis killed off my roleplaying on defiant, though at one time we did have a supergroup of 20odd roleplayers meeting quite often on defiant (twice a week for pre-arranged meetings).
There are a few there, but it does not help that some people get really offencive about it if they find you rping on defiant as its not the "roleplay server" even though this game does not have a split in server type..
SAddly everyone I knew from my RP groups on defiant have left the game now, and i dont spend as much time as I could on here anymore either.
Thanks for your feedback guys i kinda felt that this would be the answer I'd get regarding role-play on defiant, which is a shame because i cant ever really see myself moving server to union as i run a SG on defiant, still if anyone is interested in light RP on defiant just gimme a shout! who knows it could be the start of something on defiant!
Given that you've located a few here who might be willing to turn up for a weekly or twice weekly session, it could be worthwhile coming up with some ideas about grouping them. e.g desired level ranges of characters that could team with your own, etc.
ive been thinking this in more detail and come to this conclusion for this to work i cant do it alone which is obvious, and granted ive had a few reply's to my post which is fantastic and yes i know something like this wont happen overnight but i am willing to try my hardest to get it started , any how onto my sales pitch! ideally i'd like it to happen in galaxy city as it does on union and maybe to begin with 2 nites a week (Monday and Wednesday)at around 8pm, personally i think role-play shouldn't be restricted by lvl range and should be open to anyone who well likes to role-play on defiant im guessing the teaming factor would come into play when people actually become interested in role-playing on defiant
I was thinking to myself the other nite why on god green earth does defiant not have the same form of role-play meet like union does, its a real shame because im sure if defiant players who like to dabble in some role-play, all had somewhere to meet im sure if not positive that defiant would rival union in the terms of role-play.
I know there are role-play groups on defiant that normally stay within the shadows and I'd like to hear from them send a tell to @Raz and we'll see what we can formulate, any other ideas would also be welcome because i think personally its about time defiant had something other than its PVP to go on about.