Starless step





Im just planning my WS build and just have a few questions regarding some powers.

What is the minimum/workable slotting for starless step? (currently have 1 acc enhancement).

Also, with the shields you get as human form, is it worth slotting 1 end redux on each of the shields?

What is the minimum recommended slotting for eclipse? will 1 damage resist work?

Thanks in advance.



One accuracy in Starless Step will be enough if you only use it occasionally and don´t have any illusions of teleporting something with defense. If you want to use it more often you might want to slot an additional accuracy, but that´s basically it.
Shield slotting depends on your playstyle. If you have stamina or if you want to spend much time in alien forms endurance slotting is hardly necessary as they don´t draw too much endurance and you have a nice recovery power with Stygian Circle. Actually, if you spend not too much time in human form they are hardly worth additional slots at all.
And Eclipse is a power that´s worth a few slots, although it again depends on your playstyle and preferred team size. IMO 3 recharge enhancements are a must and the other 3 slots are filled with damage resistance. I don´t need accuracy since two Mires provide more than enough +ToHit to be able to hit some mobs. (I think I need something like 5 enemies to reach the resistance cap while one would need 8 unslotted.)

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.