My WS build - please take a look




Hi Guy's, Gals, and Things!

Im about level 12 in my build at the moment and really enjoying my warshade at the moment. Im making a tri-form, and using my dwarf as a meat shield type thing lol.

Anyway.. please take a look ta

01) --> Ebon Eye==> Acc(1) Dmg(3) Dmg(3)
01) --> Absorption==> DmgRes(1)
02) --> Shadow Bolt==> Acc(2) Dmg(5) Dmg(5)
04) --> Gravity Shield==> DmgRes(4)
06) --> Dark Nova==> EndMod(6) EndMod(11) EndMod(11) TH_Buf(15) TH_Buf(15)
08) --> Shadow Blast==> Acc(8) Dmg(46) Dmg(46)
10) --> Swift==> Run(10)
12) --> Sunless Mire==> Acc(12) Rechg(13) Rechg(13) Rechg(17)
14) --> Shadow Cloak==> EndRdx(14)
16) --> Starless Step==> Acc(16) Acc(17)
18) --> Gravity Well==> Acc(18) Acc(19) Hold(19) Hold(40)
20) --> Black Dwarf==> DmgRes(20) DmgRes(21) DmgRes(21) EndMod(42) EndMod(42) EndMod(43)
22) --> Stygian Circle==> Rechg(22) Heal(23) EndMod(37) EndMod(40)
24) --> Nebulous Form==> EndRdx(24)
26) --> Gravity Emanation==> Acc(26) Slow(27) Slow(42)
28) --> Unchain Essence==> Acc(28) Dmg(29) Dmg(31) Dmg(34)
30) --> Inky Aspect==> Acc(30) DisDur(31) DisDur(31)
32) --> Dark Extraction==> Acc(32) Rechg(33) Rechg(33) Dmg(33) Dmg(34) Dmg(34)
35) --> Quasar==> Acc(35) Rechg(36) Rechg(36) Dmg(36) Dmg(37) Dmg(37)
38) --> Eclipse==> Acc(38) Rechg(39) Rechg(39) Rechg(39) DmgRes(40)
41) --> Stygian Return==> Rechg(41)
44) --> Penumbral Shield==> EndRdx(44) DmgRes(45) DmgRes(45) DmgRes(45)
47) --> Twilight Shield==> EndRdx(47) DmgRes(48) DmgRes(48) DmgRes(48)
49) --> Hurdle==> Jump(49)
01) --> Sprint==> Run(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Acc(1)
01) --> Shadow Step==> EndRdx(1)
01) --> Dark Sustenance==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
10) --> Shadow Recall==> Range(10)
06) --> Dark Nova Blast==> Dmg(6) Dmg(50)
06) --> Dark Nova Bolt==> Dmg(6) Dmg(50)
06) --> Dark Nova Detonation==> Dmg(6) Dmg(7) Dmg(9)
06) --> Dark Nova Emmanation==> Dmg(6) Dmg(7) Dmg(9)
20) --> Black Dwarf Strike==> Dmg(20)
20) --> Black Dwarf Smite==> Acc(20) Dmg(46) Dmg(50)
20) --> Black Dwarf Mire==> Acc(20) Rechg(25) Rechg(29) Rechg(43)
20) --> Black Dwarf Drain==> Rechg(20) Acc(23) Heal(25) Heal(27) Heal(43)
20) --> Black Dwarf Step==> EndRdx(20)
20) --> Black Dwarf Antagonize==> Acc(20)



Looks like a nice build although I would slot differently. Your approach looks a little bit "average", so everything is "okayish" but hardly anything really shines.
With my WS I didn´t slot many human form powers at all (especially shields and stuff like that) as I knew I would hardly ever be in human form. So I slotted human form mainly as "buff form" and Dwarf form as combined "buff form/meat shield" in order to make the Nova the meanest thing floating around. The Nova´s cone and the AoE just want to be six-slotted with damage and recharge.
I guess in time you will see which build suits your playstyle best. Have fun!

If it has
eyes, you can blind it, if it has blood, you can make it bleed, if it has a mouth, you can make it scream.