Badge hunting: outcasts and master illusionists




my corr has missions to farm these
i know for the outcats it will be a pain, need 8 ppl and only 3 will spawn on the mission with 8 ppl
also will need 8 ppl for the master illu, but the thing with master illu is that its a lvl 46-47 mission
depending on if can get 8 ppl or not will try to do this tues or wed night say 7pm or 8pm to start (uk time that is)
whichever time works for me,just wantng to try to get 8 ppl and when is best time for ppl
let me know here or mail me in game @nidah

ps might also have mission to shadow shard to try and farm overseers for that badge
pss my 1st time trying to orginize anything here, so bear with me
edit: realized can split these up, don't have to do them both in 1 night, 1 of them on tues night and other wed night



I'd like to do outcasts with my corr Cindercon (also has the mission for doing this ) and the illusionists with Terratron. Badges are our shiny friends



Id love to join with my MM need both of those badges. Might be able to get a lowerlevel carnie mish although im not sure if Illusionists will spawn or not.



My MM still wants Illusionists so would be happy to join in that



if can get enough can try it wed night(tomorrow night)



I'd be willing to join, I would appreciate if we would start on 7pm though



Gah!! Can't tonight running a SF



think i'm just gonna put this off for now since got low response to this



very sry, due to bad internet connection I couldn't make it.

Hope you will do it again some other day