Wanting to form an RP team
Er... Isn't there already a group based on the "Sailor Moon" style magical groups around? Check the threads, there's one about them down the list somewhere.
Yes, there is! The Bishuju Kesshi Hana Hime!
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
And they say they are not looking for members so i decided to start my own
So anyone want to join me?
We're not looking for members currently, no, and when we do, we'll probably be after a Peacebringer and a Warshade to form a 7AT group.
so does anyone want to join me? i AM looking for members.
Anyone want to join?
I was thinking of forming an RP team that would become an sg,

Based on the manga Japanese school girl image,
if you want to join leave a post,
The char should:
Have a japanese name
Be of magic or natural origin
Below 5ft
The Jacket,Uniform in white with navy blue trim
The pleated Short shirt in navy blue with white trim
Sneakers Navy blue with white socks
You can be any archtype,
I already have my char : Haru Kimura a magic blaster with the power of lightning.
so if you want to join drop me a post,
and tell me whatnight you want to play tue,thur and sat are best for me.
Lets try and get a team of about 5 and then we can arrange a meeting place.
Edit; on union