A Possible RP (or not) Team Idea




I’ve came up with an idea this morning. There are some teams that resembling some other (i.e. X-whatsoever) teams so why don’t there be a FF imitation. Of course there are big differences in many aspects. Tips are below;

1- Fantastic Four heroes stands for each of the elemental forces; Air, Earth, Fire and Water. So the each team member also represents a force. There are 5 I found which are Dark Energy, Positive Energy (Energy only in game aspect), Force, Sonic and Mind.

2- Their strength lies in their relationship, so the team doesn’t have to be the most powerful one but the best working one.

3- They all wear same uniform with slight differences of taste. Like different boots, gloves etc.

4- They won’t wear a mask and their secret identities are well known by public.

5- Team will be a SG in level 10 and will get a name similar to FF; I only came up with Fabulous Five and Unfathomable Union.

Here’s the background story for your knowledge:

During the World War 2, a scientist, Marcus Albert started to work on a project for providing evil forces with super soldiers. Marcus didn’t able to finish his work and as the WW ended he flee form the Paragon City. His secret lab surfaced under the ruins of East gate, a.k.a the Hollows. In lab Trolls Task Force found five young humans. SERAPH (I hope I remember the name correctly) took care of this five super being and educated them to use their powers properly. They didn’t remember their former lives, even their names at first. But with time memories started to come back, not so pleasantly. In a world don’t like their own they only have themselves. They try to do their best as heroes as they try to find clues about their real life.

For game preparation:

Players limited with 5 people. All must have one of the given power source above in his or her repertoire. I think it is best if the team gather every Saturday evening and adventure together. AT doesn’t matter. If all wants to be Defenders, so be it.

So this is my idea. Other than me I need 4 people to make it come to life. Any suggestion, criticism and idea is welcome.
