A Stupid question




wasnt there an offer about the deluxe edition getting to be the epic ATs with having lvl 50 chars?

And do you get them if you hit 50 with a villain?



first there are no stupid questions second you can only get an epic AT when you hit 50 as a hero there are no epic ATs for villain yet.....



If you're looking for experts on stupid you've come to the right place...

I'm afraid you're wrong with the opening question; the deluxe edition (CoH or CoV, or the recent GvE package) don't affect what epics you can get, or when you can get them.

At present the only epics in the game are on the hero side; get a hero to 50 and you can create new, level 1, Kheldians (specifically Peacebringers and Warshades - two different ATs). Getting a villain to 50 doesn't unlock the Kheldians on the hero side.

At some point (not the imminent-ish Issue 8, possible Issue 9) villain side Kheldian(s) will be brought in, rumoured to be similar but different to the hero version(s). Getting a villain to 50 will unlock these.

There are also non-Kheldian epics in the pipeline, but other than their names no one knows much about what they do, or when they'll arrive. We have been told they won't be unlocked by getting a toon to 50, though.



thanks guys
cleared that up for me