My New Build :D --- uBer. NinjA




This is only upto level 41, please tell me what you think.

Archetype: Mastermind
Primary Powers - Ranged : Ninjas
Secondary Powers - Support : Force Fields

01 : Force Bolt acc(01) acc(7) acc(40)
01 : Call Genin acc(01) dam(3) dam(3) acc(7) dam(11) defbuf(19)
02 : Deflection Shield defbuf(02) defbuf(5) defbuf(9) endred(34)
04 : Insulation Shield defbuf(04) defbuf(5) defbuf(9) endred(34)
06 : Train Ninjas recred(06) recred(11) recred(33)
08 : Recall Friend inttim(08)
10 : Grant Invisibility defbuf(10)
12 : Call Jonin acc(12) dam(13) dam(13) acc(17) dam(17) slw(19)
14 : Teleport rng(14) endred(15) endred(15) endred(36)
16 : Personal Force Field defbuf(16) defbuf(40) defbuf(40)
18 : Smoke Flash acc(18) acc(25) endred(31)
20 : Dispersion Bubble defbuf(20) defbuf(21) defbuf(21) defbuf(25) endred(34)
22 : Team Teleport rng(22) endred(23) endred(23)
24 : Invisibility defbuf(24) defbuf(37) defbuf(37)
26 : Oni acc(26) dam(27) dam(27) acc(29) dam(29) damres(31)
28 : Phase Shift recred(28) recred(37)
30 : Maneuvers defbuf(30) defbuf(31)
32 : Kuji In Zen recred(32) recred(33) recred(33)
35 : Repulsion Bomb acc(35) endred(36) endred(36) kbkdis(39)
38 : Force Bubble endred(38) endred(39) endred(39)




Train ninjas doesn't need rech, give in one EndRdx instead and put the other slots as EndRdx in the 2nd upgrade.



Dispersion Bubble is quite end heavy i'd try 3 end reduxs 3 def buff.
PFF 3 recharge 3 def buff
Invisabilitys defence bonus is so so small you'd need the hubble space telescope to see the def bonus but even then you'd only see Uranus. slot for end reduxs only.
Maneuvers 2.9% def 3 slotted def for 0.403 EPS for the love of god WHY ?




Personally I would slot both Call Genin and Call Jonin, 3 accuracy and 3 damage.

If you read the following interview by positron. (Need to scroll down to Bridgers post and click link).

You will see how hard things get for your lower lvl minions who can be fighting at -3/4 lvls commonly or at -5/6 in Recluse Strike Force. Quite easily their chance to hit can be halved.

Taking ball park figures.

If an extra accuracy SO adds 30% change to hit to a base of 75%, that's an 21.5% extra chance of hitting before changes made to fighting at higher lvls.

A defense debuff of 30% added to a -def of base 5% means a further debuff to the opposition of 1.5%, per hit stacked on them. So if I have worked it out correctly you neeed to have 15 debuffs stacked on a single member of the opposition by your Genin for a debuff SO to work out better than an accuracy SO. Its not going to happen.

Plus if the Genin have a lower chance of hitting in the first place they have less chance of debuffing the defense of the enemy as they need to hit to do it. Having a higher chance of hitting means more chance of debuffing the enemy so its a win win situation. Which would raise the need to have more debuffs stacked on a single enemy to make a difference.

(On a personal note if somebody can disprove the maths I'm more than happy, I will admit to being tired and rushing my thoughts).

On my lvl 50 ninja/FF MM I respeced in stamina in my 40s. Didn't need it before but once I started running patron powers it became very useful. So suggest you try and keep a respec for any changes you want to make at lvl 50. Although I run tactics & assualt which are heavy on energy. Got them as they are great in pvp, help when you get invisible enemy in pve and needed some powers in the pool to get vengance. I love vengance for teaming, helps stops team wipes.

Other posts have point out tips you may want to take, so will not repeat them.

Hope this helps.