Looking for SG
Night Stalkers would like to have you as a member
We are one of the top 3 SG on the Defiant server, and very active. We usually have at least 10 members online from monday to friday, and more during the weekend.
Zone PvP: As usual, our mid-level members like to spend some time on Siren's Call, and most of our high level members (44+) like to spend their time in RV. In short, you'll have someone to team.
Arena PvP and raids: Raids are not available right now, but at least once a week our SG is fighting in the Arena, against ourselves but mostly against other SGs.
Strikeforces: Usually we can find the required number of players for a SF within our members online at the moment, so I believe that won't be a problem for you either.
Look for Draculas Bride or any other members, say that "Fu" sent you, and you'll have an invite
awesome sounds good - ill make sure to message a member soon
Send me a tell in game anytime after 9.00PM and i'll invite ya to Night Stalkers.
You MUST stay in SG mode at all time's but dont worry about infamy, if your short you will get what your need from the higher lvl villains.
Look out for me on my Global @Silent-Knight.
Would be glad to have you on board.
Send a tell to Clint Thrust or Savage Badger if Silent-Knight isn't online.
Look forward to meeting you.
hey all :E im looking to find an active friendly villians SG on the defiant server for strikforce/raids/arena PvP zone PvP whatever really
If any groups are recruiting and do this sort of thing then please reply to this post or PM me via this forum, or in game - my chars name is "Generale"
cheers :E