Venomous Badge Hunt




The Ultimate Inferno SG sponsored -- Task Force on Friday (TFoF) will be unfortunately cancelled this week (sept.1st)
However, it is be replaced by some all day badge hunting (open for all heroes of Paragon).
Priority badges are: Reformer, Venomous, and RV AVs. Since I am trying to organize different ones during the length of the day, please reply with not only your Alt name and global handle, but also with the time you can participate even if you can not be here at the specified times. This is helpful so in the event that we can not get enough for a specific badge at a specific time, then we can change times to ensure enough can make it.

The second badge hunt will be for the Venomous badge with its corresponding Gladiator badge--Tarantula (for killing 200 Toxic Tarantulas) starting at 5pm BST.

I have not previously worked on this badge besides the odd ones in RV and Siren's Call, but have heard that the best way is to spawn them in missions in Warburg (or is it Siren's Call?) So, we will need someone that can get missions here.
Suggestions/comments on the best place are welcome

Cha'ron-lvl50 Controller
Votary-lvl50 Scrapper
Logan W-lvl50 Scrapper
Destrer-lvl50 Tank
Panade-lvl50 Defender
Tellur-lvl48 Controller



Big teams in Warburg is the way to do it, was on a team that started it when it went live but RL interefered and I missed out on it

I'd love to join, but I don't get home till 7 at the earliest on Friday. If it's still on the go I'd love to join in!

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