Dispersion Bubble Stength?




Hi, I've another question I don't think am going to get an answer for. *Fingers Crossed.

Anyone have any info on how strong the Mez Resistance is on Dispersion Bubble - for a Defender. (I'm also intrested if the Mez Resistance is weaker on a Controller)



AFAIK.. and bear in mind im pretty wobbly about this, its mag2 resistance, and applies both to trollers and fenders (although the fenders will get significantly better defence bonus).

Which means its enough to stop most single holds / mez effects, unless stacked... yikes!



mag2 ain't to bad, and am right in saying Acrobatics is a mag1? so with both Acro and Dispersion Bub I'd have a mag3 res, which ain't to shabby.



If by mez you mean sleep then it has zero protection from it. Disp bubble does hold, immob and disorient protection.

Devouring Earth, Freaks and Crey are all on my hate list because of it. They toggle drop me often, especially those damned mushroom heads.

As for magnitude, I really can't say. I have combat jumping and acrobatics running as well as dispersion bubble so I have extra against immob and holds.