->->-> a new type of SG is coming up <-<-<-
Was merely commenting on the fact that you shouldn't copy and paste the EXACT SAME THREAD onto two different areas of the board.
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Wich is against the rules...
But we all know this boards are full of trolls with no social life, waiting for someone to try and piss off; so why bother giving them any attention and even replying to their posts that are just 'ROFL' 'LMAO' 'HAHAHA' or useless and unmotivated attacks on the SG?
I have no free slots on Union but I'd seriously consider joining if I should get bored of one of them, good luck in the meantime [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
Sounds like a good idea, hope it takes off.
And everyone else who posted here, I hope you realise how badly it reflects on the forums when anyone new to the forums posts they immediately get shouted down over every little detail. I have found the forums to be very elitist of late and I hope this is a trend that will stop, or it will quickly become a private little clique.
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Well said callista. I hope it goes well for your SG, you might find a more positive response from other forums.